Cascading routers ... or is it modems
I bought a wireless router nearly two months ago but I couldn't get it to work. I would have taken it back but I threw the box away. The trouble was I have a cable modem complete with a VOIP Gateway, another modem.
The Linksys directions weren't prepared for that and gave no direction on how to fix the problem.
At wit's end, I found the customer service line - 24 hours. After only a 10 minute wait, I got my operator.
I had hooked it up perfectly but he had to create cascading routers, or modems. And he did this pretty efficiently. While waiting for the computer to catch up, I asked what country he was located it.
When he said the Philippines, I figured we had something that connected us in this big world -
He loved the name and told me that most Pilipinos in LA were nurses. He said he would be sure to check it out.
We should just call you our APOC PR guy! Great stuff :) I've had similar internet connection problems this week, and found myself speaking to a woman in southern India. I told her about I loved how I was speaking to someone in India as though they lived next door.
Haha I completely just remembered that you told me about this! Thanks again for the publicity :-D
It's interesting that he stated that a lot of Filipinos in LA are nurses -- it's a common and sometimes true stereotype. The stereotype is actually widely held by Filipinos in the Philippines, and it's a product of years of oversea worker migration out of the country and a consistently bad economy. Basically, the options for (Philippine) Filipinos are: 1) become a nurse and leave the country, 2) become an engineer and leave the country, 3) be a call center technician. It's a sad matter of survival which hurts the country even more with each generation :(
I tried to set up my wireless connection to allow my neighbors to log on with a special password, while blocking others from doing the same. What I ended up doing was locking myself out of my own wireless account for a month. I finally gave up and called someone in India to fix the problem. After I got it back working again I told them they would need to find someone else's internet connection...
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