Friday, April 14, 2006

It's been a tough week, apparently

Thursday, 4.13.06

Morning BuzzA light serving today since I'm driving back to L.A. from upstate, but you should turn the page anyway for some Devin Brown news, some media tidbits and a clutch of new blogs. Plus the front pages, of course. Click on the Morning Buzz.

Wednesday, 4.12.06

Morning BuzzAntonio plans to impose a trash fee as the build-up to The Big Speech continues...Monique Moret names names in the Fleishman-Hillard trial: recognizable racism in the LAFD, black market breasts, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Bill Keller, Amy Harmon, Mickey Kaus, Mark (Defamer) Lisanti, Nikki Finke...the hits keep on coming when you turn the page.

I'm still on the road, so posting will remain unpredictable today. But I'll be back in L.A. Thursday evening to participate in a Press Club panel on media websites with Don Barrett, Ron Fineman and Matt Welch.

Tuesday, 4.11.06

Morning Buzz
Travel day

I'm indisposed Monday in some meetings and checking out colleges with the junior member of the LAO team. Here are some selections from the past week here on LA Observed, case you missed 'em.

Friday desk-clearing

Light posting this weekend, but first...

Where have you gone, Joe Romanesko?

Your daily fix of media industry news, commentary, and memos.

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FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 2006
There will be no Romenesko postings on Friday
I'll be back on Monday.
Posted at 7:12:09 AM
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Monday, April 03, 2006

Plugging away

I wrote a letter to NPR ombud asking why it is ok for the anchors to interview journalists all the time instead of reporting the news. It kind of grates on me. Newspapers would never have one journalist interview another (esp. at the same outlet) about how the war in Iraq is going or anything else.

Then I realize, that's exactly how blogs work (check out the Garrison Frost mention on LA Observed - It's like a paid ad.) I bet the aestethic will be giving a plug (of one kind or another) to LAO today.